Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wolf's Rain [Anime] - Review - 3/5

Superb animation ..
Beautiful music..
Interesting characters..

But unfortunately a plot which just couldn't capture my imagination.. or interest ..

The concept could have been done so much better.
Cuz it starts out well .. building up the basic plot elements.. but then eventually just ends up getting lost and confused..
The whole story with the nobles and all just ruined the series to the point of boredom for me..

Has its moments. Like, you really feel for the characters .. their pain and anguish..
So, in terms of characters and how flesh and bone they feel, you gotta give credit to the animators and voice-over artistes who brought the wolves to life..
Similarly, the background score of the series is fantastic IMO, and perfectly fits the scenes in which they were played..

Hmmph.. if only, the story were less confused

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