Saturday, July 21, 2012

Movie review: The Dark Knight Rises - 4/5

With the Dark Knight Rises, the trilogy finally comes a full circle.
And what a conclusion it was.

Previously I had posted twice about how awesome The Dark Knight was for me.
So It's only fitting for me to put up my own review of the trilogy finale up here as well.

If there was one word to describe this film, it would be Epic.

The film carries on where The Dark Knight ended, and brings in the connection with the first part as well.
It has been 8 years since the events of the previous film. The Batman has "retired" and the city is in a time of peace. It is then that a faceless mercenary only known as Bane decides to complete the mission originally planned by Ra's al Ghul. Now it is up to the Batman to take down this foe before he completes his plan to destroy Gotham.

There would probably be a lot of people who would judge this film, purely on Bane, saying that he wasn't as good as Joker. While that may be true, it in no way diminishes the quality of this movie.
The Dark Knight Rises is truly an epic is size and scale, when compared to all of Nolan's previous Batman films.

As a villain, Tom Hardy may not have been the psychotic madman, the Joker was, but he creates this epic persona with just his body and voice. Bane is both menacing and terrifying. Finally, the Batman meets a villain who is physically superior to him. Because of the mask, Hardy had to portray all his ferocity with just his body language, and boy has he done it well!
Also, while the Joker was psychotic and unpredictable, Bane is intelligent and very smart indeed. Comparing the two would do injustice to both characters because both characters are two completely different villains.

The cinematography was superb, as expected in a Nolan film. The far away shots of the city are a treat to watch, just as they were in the previous installment.
The action was mind blowing. The Batpod stunts were freaking awesome.  Plus plenty of explosions to keep action fans excited :P
The plot was on a huge scale (fitting for this film).
And then the music.. the music, for me,  was one of the best parts of the movie. Here, Hans Zimmer has really outdone himself, and Nolan knows all too well how to use the music. The editing and placement of the right background score or total silence in each scene at the right time made it so much more epic.

Anne Hathaway playing Selena Kyle was another new entry into the film. Hot as fuck.. xD

The film deserves no less than a rating of 4/5.

Christopher Nolan has done something which is seemingly impossible in hollywood. Create a trilogy with each movie as good as, if not better than the last.
Each film in this series is a classic in its own right, and there is no way anyone can deny that.

I'm still high from the film, and will most likely be going for it a second time. So, do forgive me if I digressed too much at some parts.. It's just that my brain is still high on TDKR so it will take some time to relax, but I had to get these points out.. 

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Laser beam.

Woah man.. Dont startle me like that.. I almost zapped you!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

Thursday, November 11, 2010