Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Inception [2010] Review - 4.5/5

Christopher Nolan .. sir, you are a god!

Thats all i could say after coming out of the theatre, after watching this mind-fucking-blowing film (a second time).

Wont be giving out much of the plot, except that it is one helluva ride.

Its a film which doesn't spoon feed the audience..
In fact, it doesn't even show where the spoon is..
It's more like he says, "There's a spoon somewhere in this maze, find it, and eat you food."
You could just say F.O., and eat with your hands, and accept the film at face-value.
Or you could actually go looking for the spoon.

and the search for the spoon takes you to such mind-bending logic, that only a second viewing of the film, can confirm your theory of the ending.. :P

What you could do is.. watch it once .. think of some theory, preferably of ur own, to confirm the ending .. then watch it a second time, and check if u can tie up loose ends.
Its a fun way to enjoy a movie .. :D

Not only does the movie boast of an insanely awesome plot..
But is filled with equally stunning visual effects..
The matrix-style fight scene might have been a bit over-the-top, but was well done nonetheless.
But every other bit of visual imagery throughout the film was stunning (to say the least).

Its a film with no clear cut ending, and i believe the director made it so on purpose.
There is no perfect theory to explain the film.
Each of those has its own +ve points, as well as negatives.

The more intense fans (like moi .. :D) would try to turn a blind eye to the holes in the theory and try to prove theirs with as many facts from the film as possible.
While others would do so for another theory.
The film was made with such confusions on purpose IMO, to play on people's minds and keep the audience in a state of guessing.

Nolan made the film to mind-fuck the people.
a risky strategy .. but ultimately paid off cuz of the way it was made..

Brilliant movie .. :D

Each person has his own perspective of the movie .. and that's what makes it such a classic.
Bloody brilliant..

2 days since i saw the film.. and i'm still in its hangover.. xD

I'm like literally running out of words to describe this movie..
So, all i can say to wrap up this review is this..

Reality is Relative

1 comment:

Phoenix said...

Spoiler alert!

I'm a proponent of the "Ending was Real" theory ..
which one do you guys go for?