Tuesday, August 5, 2008

After the Dark Knight ..

I just managed to c d Dark Knight for a 3rd time a few days back ..
and, i seriously doubt there can or will ever be a superhero movie better than this 1..

i've never managed to sit thru any superhero flick so far more than once in theatre, yet this one managed to pull me back again n again ..

Needless to say, The joker ws d main reason y i came back for a second viewing ..
but this movie was just so perfectly executed and well written that there isnt anythin much any1 cud ask for ..
for action junkies there r cars blowin up, trucks blowin up, fire trucks on fire, n even entire hospital buildings blowing up !!
while those lookin for deeper stuff also, like me, would find the character of the Joker more than enough to keep one engaged throughout the movie.

In Heath Ledger, the entire film industry has lost one of it's finest actors, who will no doubt be remembered for bringing back to life, one of the most psychotic villians from any comic book movie.

I would seriously feel sorry for the dude who now has to play the role of the Joker in future films cuz he's a helluva huge shoe to fill in ... ^_^

And now that the movie has finally been released, i'm like wonderin ..
cud there be anythin better ??
could the next batman movie or any other action flick beat this ??

i doubt .. :(

but it's always gud 2 hope dat there will always be better films coming up... :)

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